
f(x) -> ~dac

ADTs and Unification

I’ve been tinkering with a statically-typed language for the Erlang VM for the past few months, up until recently little more than an ML-shaped front for Core Erlang with a type inferencer and incomplete support for basic Erlang stuff. Before fleshing out some of the required bits (like binaries), I’m working through implementing simple abstract data types. I’m aiming for something roughly analogous to OCaml’s variants or Haskell’s GADTs. Essentially I want something like the following to work:

type my_list 'x = Nil | Cons ('x, my_list 'x)

but also:

type json_subset =  int
                  | string
                  | (string, json_subset)
                  | Array (list json_subset)

It’s the latter that makes type unification a bit squirelly and this post is mostly thinking through how I’m going to attempt it at first. It’s entirely possible I don’t fully understand the problem I’m trying to tackle yet but as this entire project is an attempt to better understand type inference and checking I’m pretty OK with that.

For clarity, the unification function gets called currently in the following situations:

  • for items being cons’d together into a list
  • across all pattern match clauses to type the match (all patterns must unify with each other, all result types must unify as well)
  • inside each clause to ensure the types forced by guard functions match the types in the result expression
  • inside each guard, sort of a special case of function application that I can likely generalize better.
  • Erlang FFI returns. These look like pattern matches but only the result portion of each clause is checked.
  • function application.

A cleaner example to describe the problem is based on the following types:

type t = int | A int
type u = int | float
type v = int | float | (string, float)

Inferencing of basic matches already works, e.g.

f x = match x with
    0 -> :zero
  | 1 -> :one
  | _ -> :more_than_one

will type to {t_arrow, [{t_int}], t_atom} meaning “a function from integers to atoms”. What I’d like is for

f x = match x with
    i, is_integer i -> :int
  | A _             -> :got_an_A

to type to {t_arrow, [{t_adt, "t"}], t_atom} but this won’t be too hard either.

The following is a little more difficult:

f x = match x with
    i, is_integer i                 -> :int_but_could_be_one_of_three_types
  | f, is_float f                   -> :could_be_u_or_v
  | (s, f), is_string s, is_float f -> :definitely_v

The first two clauses (when unified) are shaped like a u while the third makes it a v. Unification works by trying to unify only two types at a time at present so in a naive implementation the first and second clauses will unify to {t_arrow, [{t_adt, "u"}], t_atom} and the third will cause a unification failure because there is no type encapsulating u and v. I think I’ve got two options, aside from saying “reorder your clauses”:

  1. Rework unify to take a list of expressions instead of two.
  2. Require a union type covering v and u in order to type

I think #1 is better (“just works”) but I think I’m going to choose #2 as at moment the list of problems to solve before opening up the source is a bit nasty, including but not limited to:

  • type errors are nothing more than {error, {cannot_unify, Type1, Type2}} and don’t even include a line number. “User-hostile” is an understatement.
  • documentation and testing facilities are nonexistent. I’ve got some particular directions I want to go with both (mostly selfish learning stuff) before I take the lid off.
  • a truly scary number of dialyzer errors. That my type-checking language doesn’t type-check is a source of mild amusement for me at the moment.
  • pretty much zero support for compiling anything but a list of files.
  • some trivial-to-implement stuff like sending and receiving messages.
  • haven’t even begun to tackle strings-vs-lists, etc.

I’ll probably make the repository public once at least the first three items of the above list are done as right now those are the bits I’m most embarassed about.

Extra bits for the curious:

  • implemented using leex and yecc with the cerl and compile modules to create Core Erlang ASTs and generate .beam files respectively.
  • has a basic FFI to Erlang, I haven’t yet tried calling dializer so it requires a set of clauses to type the result.
  • type checker was based initially on How OCaml type checker works.
  • not much of a design behind the language at the moment. Bits of syntax come from Haskell, OCaml, and Elm at the moment. It’s grown as I’ve learned.
