
f(x) -> ~dac

How I Made Broken ADTs

I’ve made some progress on ADTs in my toy BEAM language and have discovered an issue that initially turned up with recursive types but would be exhibited by any type that references another user-defined ADT. Spoiler: the answer is to have a set of bindings from type names to their instantiated types and use these by deep-copying as with functions (h/t Pierce’s TAPL for the bit about making copies). Briefly, the following works:

type my_list 'x = Nil | Cons ('x, my_list 'x)

f x = match x with
    Nil                         -> :nil
  | Cons (i, Nil), is_integer i -> :length_one
  | Cons (i, _)                 -> :more_than_one_item

While this does not:

type recursive_tuples = int
                      | float
                      | (string, recursive_tuples)

f x = match x with
    i, is_integer i             -> :int
  | f, is_float f               -> :float
  | (key, value)                -> :pair
  | (key, (another_key, value)) -> :nested_pair

The nested tuple (another_key, value) fails to unify with the type recursive_tuples. This is because the AST node for the type definition gets instantiated to this record:

              {t_tuple, [t_string,

The first example works because the typer maintains a proplist of type constructor to AST type nodes so any reference to a type constructor will be able to find a type to instantiate. The second example fails to unify because once the typer sees the tuple, it uses the tuple member’s enclosed members to try to type the nested tuple. Note that the defined ADT specifies its members while the reference to the ADT later does not – there’s nothing to unify with as it appears to be an empty type.

Referring to a set of bindings for the types available to the module should solve this, along with deep copying for multiple instances. I’m tempted to just use generalization and instantiation but it may ultimately be simpler to copy and make new reference cells.
