
f(x) -> ~dac

MLFE v0.2.4 Released

MLFE version 0.2.4 is now available and includes a few significant changes:

  • fixes for type aliases and their use in union types and type constructors thanks to Daniel Abrahamsson’s work.
  • early support for records with row polymorphism.
  • some fixes for how maps are typed.

Type Aliases

Up until Daniel’s fixes, the following wouldn’t type correctly:

module circles

export new/1, area/1

type radius = float

type circle = Circle radius

new r =
  Circle r

area c =
  let pi = 3.14159 in
  match c with
    Circle r -> pi *. (r *. r)

The issue was that the typer wasn’t looking up what radius’s members were when it tried to type a circle and further, type variables used in nested types weren’t being handled correctly either. Big thanks to Daniel for his work on this.


Basic records with row polymorphism are now supported in MLFE (not compatible with Erlang’s records):

module records_with_x

export make_xy/2, make_xyz/3, get_x/1, get_x_and_the_record/1

make_xy x y = {x=x, y=y}

make_xyz x y z = {x=x, y=y, z=z}

get_x rec =
  match rec with
    {x=x} -> x

{- No matter what type of record you pass in, the record in the
   returned tuple will always remember the full set of its fields
   in the return type.  E.g. if you pass in {x=1, y=2, z=3}, the
   return type won't forget about y and z, the full type returned
   by this function will be (if you pass that exact record):

   (int, {x: int, y: int, z: int})

get_x_and_the_record rec =
  match rec with
    {x=x} -> (x, rec)

Worth noting that the above module of course constructs polymorphic records. You could call make_xy "foo" "bar" and make_xy 1 2.0 and the two would be distinct types:

{x="foo", y="bar"}  -- {x: string, y: string}
{x=1, y=2.0}        -- {x: int, y: float}

My understanding of row polymorphism so far has been driven by a presentation by Neel Krishnaswami as well as skimming a few papers and some of Elm’s history.

Currently missing:

  • adding fields to a record or updating/replacing them
  • accessing individual record fields

I’m not currently planning on adding the removal of record fields as it seems like it could get problematic and/or confusing quickly although it poses no particular technical challenges as far as I can tell.

To add fields to a record I’d like the following to work:

-- This takes {x: 'a} and returns ('a, {x: 'a, hello: string})
get_x_and_add_hello rec =
  match rec with
    {x=x} -> (x, {rec | hello="world!"})

Accessing individual members should look pretty simple, e.g.

-- should type to (int, string):
let tuple = get_x_and_add_hello {x=1} in
  match tuple with
    (x, rec) -> (rec.x, rec.hello)

For the Curious

MLFE’s typer does use row variables to capture the extra fields in a record being passed around. The row variable is constructed and added to any record the first time it’s typed and the function unify_records/4 in mlfe_typer.erl is probably also of interest.

Records are currently compiled to maps simply because it makes implementation right now far easier than as tuples. As such we need a way to distinguish between records and maps in pattern matches so the code generation adds a key '__struct__' to both with the key either 'map' or 'record' to distinguish between the two. Compiled pattern matches of course leverage this as well.

Contributing and Discussing

As always contributions are welcome subject to the licence and code of conduct as specified in the project’s repository. Please join the IRC channel #mlfe on freenode for help or general discussion (governed by the same code of conduct as the project). I’m on IRC as j14159 and Twitter with the same username.
